Today is Ganesh Charturthi or Lord Ganesha's birthday.
So, how this day came about? The story goes like this.
It is believed that once, while Parvati was bathing, she created a human figure from some unguent and balm, gave him life and asked him to guard the door while she bathed.
After a long period of meditation on Mountain Kailash (Lord Shiva’s abode), Shiva chose that very moment to drop by to see his better half, but was abruptly stopped by the man-god Parvati had posted at the door.
Outraged by the cheek of this stranger, Shiva cut off his head only to discover moments later that he had killed Parvati’s son! For fear of enraging his wife, Shiva immediately dispatched his ganas (attendants) to get him the head of the first living creature they could find.
Well, the first living creature happened to be an elephant. As instructed, the head was chopped off and brought back to Shiva, who placed it on Parvati’s son’s body, bringing him back to life.
This elephant-headed god was welcomed into the first family of the Hindu heavens and named Ganesha or Ganapati, which literally means the chief of the ganas, or the attendants of Shiva. Ganesha is the foremost god of the Hindu pantheon.
This brave guardian of the door to Parvati’s bath is beheld today as the most auspicious God of new beginnings.He is worshipped during every festival and before people undertake a journey or embark upon a new venture. You will also see him carefully guarding entrances to temples and homes, peeping out of calendars and happily gracing marriages and other such occasions.
Hence, that is the story behind this day. Don't think I know all this stuff. I actually took this from this website :
Ha...ha..anyway Happy Charturthi once again!