
Friday, November 28, 2008

I'll be having a meeting tomorrow. It's Kumon Completers Club meeting.

We will be also having our annual dinner. It's at Kuala Lumpur Golf and Country Club.

I guess my whole day would be taken up.

Well I guess this is considered an update. :)

Have a beautiful evening!

Happy Diwali!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I would like to wish everyone a very HAPPY DIWALI!....

Little Announcement

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Hey, the original A-levels cert is out. Can go and collect it.


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Yesterday, I got to know that I will only leave next year August.


It seems that they want to see the original A-levels certificate to issue an elgibility certificate. Only God knows when will I get the original certificate.

Anyway, I will just wait. That's all I can do for now.


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Give Your Best!
It's the hand we clasp with an honest grasp
That gives a hearty thrill;
It's the good we pour into others' lives
That comes back our own to fill.
It's the dregs we drain from another's cup
That makes our own seem sweet;
And the hours we give to another's need
That makes our life complete.

It's the burdens we help another bear
That makes our own seem light.
It's the anger seen for another's feet
That shows us the path to right.
It's the good we do each passing day,
With a heart sincere and true;
In giving the world your very best
It's best will return to you.
~Author Unknown~

By the way, Selamat Hari Raya!


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Everything around is so beautiful. But we don't realise it.


Because we are too busy focusing on our future. I am not saying that we should not think about it, but we spend most probably 99% thinking about the uncertain future.

What we certainly have now is the present. So stop living in the past or dream about the future. Live for today!

Be grateful for the seconds we have. Because in one second anything can happen.

Enjoy every moment by observing this beautiful Earth!

Earth is the place we trully call home.

Hence, stop destroying it.

Enjoy the magnificent around us and live with the Earth!

Happy Vinayagar Chaturthi

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Today is Ganesh Charturthi or Lord Ganesha's birthday.

So, how this day came about? The story goes like this.

It is believed that once, while Parvati was bathing, she created a human figure from some unguent and balm, gave him life and asked him to guard the door while she bathed.

After a long period of meditation on Mountain Kailash (Lord Shiva’s abode), Shiva chose that very moment to drop by to see his better half, but was abruptly stopped by the man-god Parvati had posted at the door.

Outraged by the cheek of this stranger, Shiva cut off his head only to discover moments later that he had killed Parvati’s son! For fear of enraging his wife, Shiva immediately dispatched his ganas (attendants) to get him the head of the first living creature they could find.
Well, the first living creature happened to be an elephant. As instructed, the head was chopped off and brought back to Shiva, who placed it on Parvati’s son’s body, bringing him back to life.

This elephant-headed god was welcomed into the first family of the Hindu heavens and named Ganesha or Ganapati, which literally means the chief of the ganas, or the attendants of Shiva. Ganesha is the foremost god of the Hindu pantheon.

This brave guardian of the door to Parvati’s bath is beheld today as the most auspicious God of new beginnings.

He is worshipped during every festival and before people undertake a journey or embark upon a new venture. You will also see him carefully guarding entrances to temples and homes, peeping out of calendars and happily gracing marriages and other such occasions.

Hence, that is the story behind this day. Don't think I know all this stuff. I actually took this from this website :

Ha...ha..anyway Happy Charturthi once again!

Another Birthday

Friday, August 29, 2008

Today is my friend Hema's birthday.

I wish her a very wonderful day. May she always shine with success!

Happy Birthday!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

I have two things to post about.

Firstly, to wish my younger brother, Suria Kumar, a happy birthday! Today is his birthday.

He turned six today.

He is a lovely but a naughty boy. He always misplaces my pencils and liquids my maths homework! So, I have to sometimes do it over. He gives me a lot of trouble and always makes me angry.

But, deep in my heart I thank God for giving him as my brother. You know he sometimes wakes me up in the morning.

I will always love him.

I wish him good health and outstanding achievements in all his undertakings!

Secondly, my friend, Sai Sangkeeth left to Canada yesterday. She is going to University of Toronto. I wish her good luck and all the best in her studies.

What to do next?

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Now I have to wait another week to go to India. I don't know what to do now? Wait or.....

But if patience is the answer I shall seek it. I will just wait and see what is going to happen to me.

What has happened to me, what is happening to me and what is going to happen to me, I believe is all for my own good only.

God's grace shall fall upon me.

Whatever it is, I have walked this far, I don't want turn back now.

Sitting down and thinking about it is not going to help me, it will just slow me down.

Now I just have to be positive and look out for good things.

Inspirational Poem

Monday, August 25, 2008

Since some of us had started a new phase in their life, here is something specially for you to be inspired and have the will to go on!

The Will To Win
If you want a thing bad enough
To go out and fight for it,
Work day and night for it,
Give up your time and your peace and
your sleep for it
If only desire of it
Makes you quite mad enough
Never to tire of it,
Makes you hold all other things tawdry,
and cheap for it
If life seems all empty and useless without it
And all that you scheme and you dream is about it
If gladly you'll sweat for it,
Fret for it, Plan for it,
Lose all your terror of God or man for it
If you'll simply go after that thing that you want
With all your capacity,
Strength and sagacity,
Faith, hope and confidence, stern pertinacity
If neither cold poverty, famished and gaunt,
Nor sickness nor pain
Of body or brain
Can turn you away from the thing you want
If dogged and grim you besiege and beset it,
You'll get it!

First post

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Finally, I got a blog!

At first, I was thinking that I should create a blog. Then, the next day, while sending smses to Carr Men, she suggested to me to get a blog. OMG, what a coincidence! I think we have a telepathic link. Ha...ha...

Anyway, I am still here in Malaysia. By this time I should be at India ready you know :( . But, it seems that the management there are having some problems. So, I have to wait until they say how my dad suppose to take the draft. I don't understand why they must take such a long time to tell us that.(They want money or not?)

I hope this week brings me an excellent luck!